Call for Tutorial Proposals

The AEPP2005 Organizing Committee invites proposals for tutorials to be presented at AEPP2005. The tutorials will be held on the first day of the conference, Nov 1, 2003, at the workshop site.

Anyone interested in presenting a tutorial at the conference should submit a proposal as outlined below.


We seek tutorial proposals on core techniques of large scale distributed systems implementation. We are interested in tutorials on p2p Security and economic principle. We are also interested in tutorials that present basic knowledge necessary to bridge the gap between Grid computing and P2P technologies.


Proposals should provide sufficient information to evaluate the quality and importance of the topic, the likely quality of the presentation materials, and the speakers' teaching abilities. We encourage tutorials taught by two-person teams because the added perspective of a second presenter can provide richer, more balanced coverage of an area.

Proposals should be 3-5 pages long and contain at least the following information:

  • Description: A short paragraph summarizing the topic of the tutorial.
  • Goal: Who is the target audience? What will the audience learn? Why do they need to know it?
  • Prerequisites: What knowledge are audience members assumed to have before entering the tutorial?
  • Content: Detailed outline of the topics to be presented. If possible, provide samples of past tutorial slides or teaching materials.
  • Presenters: The name, mailing address, phone number, e-mail address, and webpage of each presenter. In addition, indicate presenters' background in the tutorial area.

Important Dates

Proposals due:

Notification of acceptance:

Abstracts due:

Tutorial notes due:

Tutorial date:

June 30, 2005

July 30, 2005

Sep. 10, 2005

Oct. 10, 2005

Nov. 1, 2005


Proposals will be reviewed by the members of the organizing committee. Please, submit your proposal in electronic form (plain text, PostScript, or PDF) to:

Qianni Deng (, Tel: 86-21-62932632)

Department of Computer Science & technology, Shanghai JiaoTong Univ. China. 200030

To learn more about AEPP2005 see the Web site at: